Eugenia Menni Research Centre
What we do
Support the Research
Eugenia Menni Research Centre (CREM) of Fondazione Poliambulanza was born in 2002 within the hospital as a place of study and research dedicated to the memory of Madre Eugenia Menni, who strongly desired a research centre working together with the hospital itself. The ultimate purpose of the project was to integrate two unavoidable aspects of the modern medicine, that is the scientific progress and patient’s care.
During this decade CREM has proven to be able to “keep up” with the most advanced challenges of science . It has also been in a position to understand the ability to join resources and availabilities in order to support its own activity through the help of outside, private and public bodies, thus putting to good use its credibility and the ability to relate to the surrounding community. It’s therefore to be taken as a model of which Fondazione Poliambulanza is proud and of which it’s expected for the future an even greater extension of links with the institutions and with the most advanced circuits of scientific world.