Founded in Milan in 1921 by Father Agostino Gemelli, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart is the most important Catholic university in Europe. Moreover, it is the only Italian university that can boast a national dimension with its five campuses: Milan, Piacenza, Cremona, Brescia and Rome, where there is also the "A. Twins".

In its almost century-old tradition, the Catholic University offers its students not only a solid cultural background and indispensable professional skills, but also a clear educational proposal centered on the integral formation of the person. In fact, the university pays attention to building a broad and unifying knowledge, capable of reading and interpreting the complexity of the reality in which we are immersed, but also able to offer a clear and solid ethical reference based on the religious tradition from which the institution itself was born .

The collaboration between Poliambulanza and the Catholic University Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Rome (which, among other things, is a member of the Foundation established in 2005) has led to the activation, starting in 1999, of the Degree Course in Nursing and in the following years also of various Masters and specialization courses for the health professions. The headquarters of the teaching activity is located in via Piamarta 6 in Brescia and is equipped with the most modern technologies for teaching and with spaces dedicated to students for recreational and learning activities.

In these courses, dozens of students are trained annually, who in part go to reinvigorate and renew the medical and nursing staff of the Poliambulanza Foundation. The course of study in Cattolica allows them to acquire a competitive and avant-garde clinical-scientific preparation while developing sensitivity towards others typical of the values of Catholic ethics; values which are on the other hand the founding matrix of both the University and Poliambulanza.

Fondazione Poliambulanza Lombardy Region Ministry of Health


Fondazione Poliambulanza Hospital | Brescia, via Bissolati, 57- Tel. +39 030-35151 P.iva 02663120984, N.REA BS468431

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