Oncology Area

Multidisciplinary Unit for Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Unit was born as a multidisciplinary resource for studying breast cancer thoroughly, optimizing the sesearch, the diagnosis, the treatment and the cure. The main focus is on patients, who are constantly monitorated, starting from a suspected neoplasm to the post treatment follow-up.


Why choosing Poliambulanza?

Being informed of a malignant cancer is a terrible moment for whoever. But patients are give greater cause of concern when it comes to complex cancers or tumors which can be found only at an advanced stage, as ovarian cancer, for example.


Ovarian Cancer Unit guarantees the continuity of care services provided also taking into account women’s emotional and psychological aspects. As a consequence, womens’ clinical path has been thought in order to make available a Psychological Support Service to assist them during whatever crucial moment of their hospitalization. Recent researches has shown that the chronicization of cancer has contributed to compromise women’s approach to life. In this regard, the attention given to the psychological aspects is a crucial factor in helping them to manage some after.effects, such as their sexuality, which are often underestimated.


Also in this field, the multidisciplinary approach is a key point. The so Team consists of a number of surgeons, oncologists, but also general surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, nuclear physicians, anatomopathologists, molecular biologists and genetists. Their mutual professional collaboration ensures a rapid response together with a multidisciplinary approach.


Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor affecting ovaries. In 63% of cases it affects women between 45 and 75 years old. It can appear under different shapes:

  • Epithelial ovarian tumors: in 90% of cases it involves epithelial cells wich cover the ovaries;
  • Germ cell tumor:  in 5% of cases it is a neoplasm deriving from germ cells;
  • Sex cord-gonadal stromal tumor: 4% of women suffer from a rare type of cancer which forms in the tissue that support the ovaries.


Ovarian carcinoma is the most common type of cancers affecting the ovaries. It may originate from:

  • The ovarian surface epithelium;
  • The peritoneum covering internal organs;
  • The fallopian tube epithelium.


Regardless of the origin of the tumor, the diagnostic and therapeutic approach is the same.

Signs and symptoms

Unfortunately, ovarian tumor is hardly identifiable, unless when it is at an advanced stage and, conseguently, it is often hardly curable.
Sometimes, some signs, despite beign common to other ore ordinary diseases, can be actually identified. Among them:

  • Abdominal bloating and a feeling of fullness;
  • Change in bowel habits and frequent urination;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Feeling full on an empty stomach.


Special attention should be paid to such symptoms if:

  • You are between 55 and 65 years old (being the age range with major onset risk);
  •  You are genetically disposed to ovarian or breast cancer.



Ovarian carcinoma can be identified by:

  • Gynaecological visit: it can confirm a suspicious and. if required, schedule further examinations;
  • Transvaginal ultrasound: it is done to check the whole pelvic area (uterus and ovaries);
  • TAC: it gives an extensive view of the disease;
  •  Blood test: it is performed so as to measure CA125 and HE4 values, since elevated levels may be associated with an ovarian cancer;
  •  Biopsy: it is the removal of an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (ascites) for diagnostic purpose.

Dr. Quaglia Federico

Director of the Operating Unit

Quaglia Federico

Operating unit:

Obstetrics Gynaecology - Operating Unit


Women's and Maternal - Child Health



Contact your operational unit:


Phone number:: 030/3518916

Availability for first medical examination with : Dr. Quaglia Federico

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